LEGO has always been one of my favorite brands, and over the last ten years or so, they have been in full swing with their 1980’s movie references. I especially enjoy the Back to the Future products they have been producing as of late.
LEGO DeLorean Time Machine from ‘Back to the Future’
One of my favorite recent pieces from LEGO was the DeLorean time machine from Back to the Future. It has been discontinued, but you can find it for sale at Amazon.
LEGO DeLorean Time Machine from ‘Back to the Future’LEGO DeLorean Time Machine from ‘Back to the Future’LEGO Marty McFly & Doc Brown from ‘Back to the Future’LEGO Flux Capacitor from ‘Back to the Future’LEGO Outatime License Plate from ‘Back to the Future’
I went to the show at Lola’s last weekend. It was awesome. Calhoun and Son of Stan were both in top form. Because I have to document everything, during the sets I grabbed my trusty iPhone 4 and recorded these 2 videos. Enjoy!
Here are a few super cool pics from my iPhone:
Calhoun at Lola’s (Fort Worth, TX)Calhoun at Lola’s (Fort Worth, TX)Calhoun at Lola’s (Fort Worth, TX)Son of Stan at Lola’s (Fort Worth, TX)Son of Stan at Lola’s (Fort Worth, TX)Son of Stan at Lola’s (Fort Worth, TX)
Today’s is Twitter’s 8th birthday, and they launched #FirstTweet to celebrate. It’s a tool where you can go see the first tweet of any Twitter profile. Since I’m a goodstrong P1, I decided to use this tool to see the first Tweets of the hosts from the Dallas sports radio station, 1310 The Ticket. So this is my bit – I hope you enjoy it!
The guys in Horses are some of my best friends ever, so obviously I’m going to say nice things about their band. But in all honesty – THEY. WERE. AWESOME. This show at the Aardvark was a CD Release Party for the First Street Audio. It was a compilation CD of various artists who had recorded at Bart’s old studio over on Bluebonnet Circle. I’m sure I still have about 50 copies if you want one. Enjoy!
And of course, more pictures:
Whoa! I wonder if Danny saves these. It’s like a time capsule of sorts.Honchie! At the Aardvark!Cliff Wright, catcher of bass.Jordan Richardson, Cooper Heffley & Jim KeithJim is like, “You two are so silly.”
Pablo & the Hemphill 7 at the Wreckroom (Jul. 16, 2004)
This show was one of my favorite shows ever. I think it was our 2nd time to play the Wreckroom, and we got to play with Pablo & the Hemphill 7. They were my Fort Worth reggae heroes, and they still are. In the playlist below, I’ve got 19 tracks of theirs. These guys were amazing from the start.
More pics just because:
Jordan and Cliff – Crowley’s finest.Lots of HorsesDarth Vato looking sweaty.
Valentine’s Day 2004 was so romantic. I know where I was – at the Moon bar of course! Camino was playing a couple of sets that night. I recorded the first set, but I can’t find the second set anywhere. Maybe I was out of minidiscs. Lol. Minidiscs. Those were a thing back then.
And here’s a pic of Camino’s bass player, Jeremy Hull:
Now here’s a blast from the past – Soviet Space at the Aardvark on Nov. 1, 2003. It was Voigt’s EP Release Show. Soviet Space, Voigt and Darth Vato. Those were the days. Cheers!
Here are a few more pics:
Voigt at the Aardvark (Nov. 1, 2003)Remember when Jordan played drums for Voigt?Even Ken was there! And that one guy on harmonica!Darth Vato, featuring Steve Steward and his Flea Signature Modulus Bass
So I found an old hard drive in my closet. It turns out that I used to record a lot of live shows. So I figured I’d start posting them here. To start, we’ll go back to March 19, 2005. Chatterton was playing a show at the Moon. Enjoy!
Reviewing movies is not my thing. Watching movies – now *that* is my thing. I happened to come across this Texas film called ‘Black Metal’. It debuted at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, but you can watch it on YouTube for free. Best part: it’s only 9 minutes. And it’s awesome. So check it out already.
“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” – St. Thomas Aquinas
The good Saint’s quotation has been used and twisted around over time to justify pretty much anything one might have a fondness for that has most folks shaking their collective heads. Whether it’s religion, vampire movies or in this case, pro wrestling, some get it. Others, not so much. There’s no use trying to convert someone to the other side. I personally like all the absurd reasons I shouldn’t be watching this stuff. I don’t care that it’s fake/predetermined, the dudes are cartoonishly large or that some of the gimmicks are corny. It’s the most basic form of escapist TV. Good vs Evil in the form of two dudes rolling around in spandex and baby oil. Ridiculous? Absolutely!
Here are my Royal Rumble “Predictions”:
WWF Royal Rumble Pinball Machine #WANT!
WWE Tag Team Title Match
Team Hell No (Kane & Daniel Bryan) (c) vs. Team Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow)
Past booking history tells me that Team Rhodes Scholars wins this match to become tag champs. This the start of the road to Wrestlemania. Vince McMahon likes his baby faces or good guys (Kane and Bryan) to chase the titles during this time to help boost those buy rates for Wrestlemania 29. Additionally, it gives Sandow and Rhodes plenty of time to cement themselves as despicable heels that people want to see get beat up. Booking-wise it make perfect sense.
WWE World Title Match
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Big Show
It’s an unwritten rule that you don’t do a major title change on free TV unless you’re WCW and you don’t mind hemorrhaging money. That said, Del Rio surprised even the smartest of fans when he won the title a few weeks ago on Smackdown. Most people felt it was done in order for heel Dolph Ziggler to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase on good guy Del Rio. The internet wrestling community, basement dwellers if there ever was such a group, was more than a little excited. The real story, not a storyline, is that Big Show’s contract had run out and they pulled the title off of him so he didn’t walk away from the company with it. Vince doesn’t want another Medusa situation where your champ shows up on a competitor’s show and dumps your title in a garbage can.
My feeling is ADR retains and Ziggles runs down post match to cash in his title shot, but I don’t think the match will actually happen. Dolph has been doing these false “cash ins” for a few months now and I don’t see it changing anytime soon. One big reason is that ADR is a huge star in Mexico and WWE sells a ton of merchandise there. With Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara on the shelf injured pulling the title off Del Rio this soon is unlikely.
WWE Championship Match
Punk/Rock Promos have been awesome!
CM Punk (c) vs. The Rock
Punk has been champion for 400 some odd days now and his reign is probably over at the Rumble. That’s too bad, but the guy’s gotta lose at some point. He’s the longest reigning, defending champion of their modern era so when he drops the title it’s gotta be a big thing and what’s bigger than losing to The Rock? Probably nothing. Win or lose I think we get Punk vs Undertaker at WM29. I’d prefer a Taker WM unbeaten streak vs Punk’s title streak, but the tea leaves tell me we’re headed for a Cena vs Rock rematch at ‘Mania.
Royal Rumble Match
30 Man Battle Royal
Which brings us to the Royal Rumble match. Unlike last year, I think it’ll be a more serious affair. Less old guys returning. Fewer gimmicks. I don’t see any way super-Cena doesn’t come out the winner here. He spent most of last year getting beat and putting guys over. Now it’s retrenching time and that starts at the Rumble. He’ll pick up the win and get a title shot at WM vs The Rock or Punk. The only other guys I think have a shot to go over are Ryback or a returning Undertaker. I hope I’m wrong on all accounts and someone like Antonio Cesaro gets the shine. As with all other battle royal matches a feud or two will get the hotshot treatment in order to build the next PPV. The most likely candidates are Kofi Kingston and Wade Barrett or maybe something with Randy Orton provided he doesn’t fail another drug test or hurt himself picking up a fork.
Next time I discuss the similarities between musicians, comedians and wrestlers of the indie variety. We’re a lot alike.